Shifting Reality
Reality within and reality without are each mutually exclusive. One reality cannot always encompass both, thus one must choose what one believes. The source element of this choice is critical. Whether religious or political or logical or reactionary, the kernel truth uPon which reality is based is critical. Communicating this truth must be part and parcel with bringing others to understand. Control of realities is in control of what is accepted as true. Once the truth is subject to a shift in objectivity, so too follows the remainder of a reality.
Realities of Note (In writing this post)
Ugandan civil war - any other reality unknown from within, unknowable from without
Pakistani nuclear program - perceived as heroic from within, questionable from without
North Korean regime - perceived as heroic from within, despotic from witout
Afghanistan - invasion time and again from within, a 'project' in Nation-building from without
The realities built in each of these corners is telling of the conditions under which the people are subject to survive. Promises of change are mere fancy or sophistry without fundamental shifts. To shift a foundation is a massive undertaking and cannot be excecuted without internal knowledge.