Killing, Lying, Numbness
There are two types of people in the world. Those who have a taste for killing, and have possibly killed in the past, and those who have not. The world, at present, demands of people that killing and destruction be sanctioned as a means to an end.
Empowerment, especially when the act of killing is distant from the command, is dangerously seductive. It shapes the manner in which one conceives of all remaining life. Taking life can make one intoxicated with power. Barring remorse, permitting only attraction or apathy in the act, a need can build to incur such destruction again and again. Such individuals are monstrous.
The design on human affairs is built on a foundation of incurring destruction. Taking life is, iteslf one such form of destruction. Pollution, deforestation, agriculture, and the like are all such examples of the underpinnings of society as reliant upon the destruction of other living things. In appreciation of the fact that there is only destruction to generate "progress," there is nothing in this progressive world that is in keeping with the sustainence of any living thing. Killing is the only way to get ahead.
Justification of killing and destruction is tantamount to epic lying. The lies that humanity tells to justify and to cover up the manner in which our affairs are conducted abound. Destruction is perpetuated and the pillars of society tell lies to cover their tracks. For example, progress and economy as the highest of ideals in place of the natural resources destroyed. Much in the same manner, lies mask the factors that drive the powerhouse economies of the world. Heavy reliance upon cheap labour to create massive profit margins. The high held ideal, large profits mask the reality of cheap labour. The ends, again, justifying the means.
If the means is always to be veiled in some false justification, where will it end? Already, we occupy a world wherein the single, most-powerful nation has initiated a war on false pretense. The surrounding global state of emergency, the War on Terror, justifies away the existence of two groups: those fighting for freedom and those fighting against freedom. The distinction remains tenuous as the association of the word "terrorist" can be applied to both camps.
The level to which conflict has risen at this point in human history, where "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud," is only proof positive that nothing has been learnt from our history. With each incremental rise in security, there is a consequent fall in the level of freedom. Security and freedom, intricately associated, are never tied together in this way in media [read: propaganda]. Being hammered again and again with these ideals, both of penultimate import, the paradox is blinding. To deal with it, only numbness will do.
It is freedom for which we all fight, everywhere in the world. Freedom to practice religion as we each see fit, freedom to practice government as we each see fit, freedom to practice economy as we each see fit. Basically, freedom to live. The world we share is growing smaller, and more crowded. The possibility of global acceptance of any system - of faith, dollars, or governance - diminishes with time. Individuality and collective acceptance, too, are paradoxically promoted.
Be yourself and fit in.
"Ignorance is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery. "
The cost of all of this fighting, not only in wars but political infighting, economic competition, and the like, is its perpetuity. The lust for destruction, death and conquest never leaves. Humanity is a monstrous machine, there is no remorse for the destruction incurred. In fact, the only means by which any progress can be made is in the employment of destructive acts.
The enlightenment that escapes societies is the capacity to co-operate, to abandon killing, and to create without destruction. Without this understanding, the only refuge for humanity is resolute numbing. While some drug themselves, others occupy themselves vigorously, blocking out the contradictions. The search for an answer remains. It is plain to see...
... stop killing, stop lying, stop numbing. Find a way.
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