Reversal of Fortune
On with the show... full text here
5. Privation
Bush has furthermore committed to complete reversals identity and culpability in his statements made June 27th. He characterizes the "terrorist" insurgents with qualities exhibited readily by the GOP.
"murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent. Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny and oppression -- by toppling governments, by driving us out of the region, and by exporting terror."
This not dissimilar to the actions of the Bush administration; "a totalitarian ideology[,]" the Religious right, "that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent." The GOP has averted this problem by managing a stranglehold on both media sources and both houses of government, keeping the American people in the dark. "Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyrrany and oppression[.]" Sounds like a crusade to me and if the shoe fits... Did I mention the Religious Right? "By toppling governments," remember Mission Accomplished Day? Yes. It makes me MAD too. "[B]y driving us out of the region," where US -- er.. the U.S. -- does not belong. The U.S. invaded Iraq, remains as an occupying force, toppled the government, and has plans to do the same across the region. "Exporting terror" viewed from the other side of the equation, the Iraqi side or the Islamic side, is equivalent to "Exporting America."
"The terrorists believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent... They are mistaken."
No, there's no corruption in free societies. Wait, I really can't say that with a straight face. There is WIDESPREAD corrpution in free societies and it is only getting worse.
There is no reason to believe that the election that permitted President Bush into office was on the level, nor was there any strong investigation into the second election. The Bush administration, in my opinion (cause it's my blog) just got better and sneakier about election tampering. Reducing polling stations in less affluent regions in the country forcing extensive lineups, whereas, in the suburbs and affluent neighbourhoods and red states, polling stations were convenient and ready to receive the votes for the incumbent.
Corruption in industry continues to get worse, supported by policies made at the highest levels. The lack of interest in ratifying the Kyoto accord is only one such example. The nature of the beast remains committed to economic glut. Anything that impedes this track is definitely a threat to the economy. Thus, the Bush Administration refuses to enforce the reduction of toxic emissions on industries in America. This action is in the face of warning signs everywhere that the decay of the ecosystem is well underway. Massive heatwaves across North America are driving energy consumption to unheard of levels. Flooding is widespread across in many parts of the world as heavy rains and massive snowmelts drive water levels up.
This does not even begin to mention the white collar crime that has become a hallmark of rampant capitalism. Shell corporations are everywhere protecting ne'er do well industrialists from culpability at every turn.
As for decadence; air conditioned castles, hundred acre homesteads and 400 horse-power carriages are no sign of decadence. Live that American dream, vote Quimby.
Not In MY Back Yard
"The commander in charge of coalition operations in Iraq -- who is also senior commander at this base -- General John Vines, put it well the other day. He said: "We either deal with terrorism and this extremism abroad, or we deal with it when it comes to us.""
This is the most appalling of statements. To think that the President echoed the remark of this military buffoon makes him, well, a bigger one. {southern slang} "We'll fight the fight, jus' so long as it don't mess up our country. We deal with it jus' fine." Terrorism and extremism as being "deal[t] with" from a military standpoint involves guns, bombs, inspection, co-option, and occupation. Perhaps, then America should revisit McCarthyism. Timothy McVeigh was not dealt with. How many more domestic terrorists are there and, more importantly, are they being monitored or arrested?
As mentioned by the President on September 20th, 2001, wars have been fought on "foreign soil" for "136 years, ... except for one Sunday in 1941." Now 140 years later, and one Tuesday in 2001 added to the list, America still refuses to risk their Homeland Security in to fight their good fight. Still, the President banters about "evil doers" and "murderous ideology." Wherein do to the actions of the Bush Administration fit? The Exporting of America under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy co-opts the freedom of others. It washes away culture and diversity as though dirty smudges on the clean face of a new world; a global Mall of Americas.
There is more to this post, but, I must go to the grind. My personal slice of corporatism.
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